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Leaders slammed for failure to revive dilapidated Joburg CBD

Mia Le Roux crowned 2024 Miss South Africa
Johannesburg Mayor Kabelo Gwamanda.
Moroadi Cholota with Hawks in Bloemfontein. 
Avbob Investment Plan
JOHANNESBURG – The Johannesburg Property Owners and Managers Association is attributing the decay of the inner city to leaders who shy away from the city’s challenges.
READ: Urban decay | Inner city decay in Johannesburg
While the association admits that previous mayors like Herman Mashaba and Mpho Phalatse tried their best, they say the city declined further in the last three years.
Residents want stability and certainty that those at the top can do their job. 
That’s according to property development company, LocalAbode.
Founder Stephen du Preez says South African cities have been battling urban decay for decades, exacerbated by poor political leadership and a constant change of mayors.
Former Joburg Mayor Mpho Phalatse says the city needs someone who can solve its many complex problems.
This as political parties squabble over the mayoral chains, while service delivery grinds to halt.
READ: ANC reportedly in talks with other parties to remove Mayor Gwamanda
The ANC wants Kabelo Gwamanda to resign as soon as next week, but his party, Al Jamah-ah, says he’s not going anywhere.
